Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Place - Friday, May 12th

I was in Calgary this week and my flight back was supposed to arrive at 10:00pm Thursday night, but it was delayed (slightly) and I didn't get home until 6:15 on Friday morning.

Needless to say I didn't go to work that day - I did some work from home but also found time to go to the Happy place with Carolyn and Tier for about an hour.  We made a cute new friend....  See  below.

We keep seeing this bird out there.  I'm pretty sure it's a juvenile male Rose-breasted Grosbeak but I'm not sure.
I hope he stays all year, but I think that would be pretty unusual.
The furthest point in their summer range is supposed to be Oklahoma.

Snowy Egret - I love the yellow-feet.

A study in male Anhinga landing...

Tier treed this young opossum and I had to take f ew pictures.
Don't the eyeballs look unreal - like they are black marbles glued into his head.

Hide and seek...

Orchard Oriole - Another migratory here that seems to be hanging out for a long time.

Eastern Kingbird

Someday I'm going to to get really good pictures of the Common Yellow-throat.
Until then, I'll have to settle for what I can get.

A little better, but still not great.

Not a great bird (Gray Catbird) or a great picture (compositionally)

I just like it because I really got the focus right so the resolution is pretty cool...

Even at this level of zoom...

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